2日北京地区冷拔无缝钢管市场价格稳,市场成交量较前几日有所好转。据贸易商反映,今日北京冷拔无缝钢管市场成明显好于前期。近日受外围市场影响,管坯、管厂 出厂价格纷纷上涨,冷拔钢管出厂家开始陆续补库,主要是因为目前冷拔无缝钢管价格处于低位,部分经销商有囤货意愿,再加上近期成材价格坚挺上行,增加商家信心。短期内北 京冷拔无缝钢管市场将迎来一波上涨。
The market price of cold-drawn seamless steel pipes in Beijing was stable on the 2nd, and the market turnover was better than the previous days. According to traders, the market of cold-drawn seamless steel tubes in Beijing today is much better than that in the earlier period. Influenced by the peripheral market, the ex-factory prices of billets and pipe plants have risen in succession, and traders have begun to replenish their warehouses, mainly because the price of cold-drawn seamless steel tubes is at a low level, some distributors have the desire to stock up, coupled with the recent strong rise in the price of finished products, which increases business confidence. In the near future, Beijing cold-drawn seamless steel pipe market will usher in a wave of rise.
The price of cold-drawn steel pipe: Shandong 108*4.5 quoted 4680 yuan; Shandong Molong 219*6 quoted 4850 yuan; Baotou Steel 377*10 quoted 5900 yuan.
辛苦整理!转载请注明来自 http://www.wxddlb.com/show.asp?id=81GB/T8162和GB/T8163,结构用无缝钢管与输送流体用无缝钢管标准1:标准要求不一样,输送流体的要做涡流试验的,2:应用…